The November 12
I’ve had to change the way I handle my fan drawings to comply with Facebook’s advertising rules. �So while I’ll still be picking random winners on the 1st of the month (or the 3rd in this case… lol!), I won’t be able to notify the winners the same way. �So if you are one of the “November 12” this month, please leave me a comment and I’ll e-mail your coupon code. 🙂
As an extra surprise bonus, since I hit 200 fans this month, I am giving away 12 kits (6 for each of the 100)! �Jen’s “November 12” have all picked up my new Cherish kit – just for being a Jen Reed Designs fan. 🙂 �If you aren’t a fan yet, what are you waiting for?
Remember, if you are one of the winners, please comment on this thread letting me know you saw this and I’ll e-mail your coupon code. 🙂
Wow! Thanks Jen! I love your work!
Thanks Kelly! You are so sweet! I just sent you an e-mail with the coupon. If you do a layout, I’d love to see it. 🙂
Congratulations, ladies, you got an awesome kit ! 🙂
Yahoo! Thanks,Jen! Can’t wait to use my coupon 😉
I sent your coupon this morning Tricia. Let me know if you don’t get it. 🙂
Okay, so that was definitely a “wait, why is my face here!” moment! <3 Thank you so much! I love you work!
LOL! That made me laugh. I can imagine.. hang on… that’s me… lol! I sent off your coupon just now.
�Muchas gracias! qu� alegr�a !!! no esperaba �sta sorpresa!
Tienes que decirme qu� es lo que tengo qu� hacer, estoy muy feliz de ganar un hermoso kit.
Te mando muchos cari�os!
De nada, Maria! Yo os he enviado el c�digo de cup�n. Por favor, h�gamelo saber si usted no lo recibe. Perdona mi espa�ol tambi�n.
Thanks so much!
Woot 🙂
You’re welcome Mara! I sent you your coupon. Let me know if you don’t get it.
Wow- I see my picture… or the bra I painted. Thank You so much for sharing your art. Designing is one area I leave to those that can do it so wonderful. I’ll just play with your talented goodies 🙂
LOL! Yes.. you do a double take.. hey that’s me… or my bra… roflol… I sent you your coupon!
Wow! How fun for me! Thanks!!
Chris, I sent you your coupon just now. Enjoy!
Oh WOW! I really NEVER win anything, so this is so cool! Thank you so much!
lol! I don’t win anything either. Whereas my husband thinks he’s going to win EVERY contest or giveaway he enters… he never does and then is disappointed. LOL! I just sent your coupon. 🙂
WOW!! thankis so much Jen… is a wonderful kit too…
You’re welcome Annette! I just sent you the coupon code. Can’t wait to see your layout. 🙂
I’m so excited! Thanks so much!
You’re welcome. I just send you your coupon. 🙂